
gorgeous nonsense

The phrase above is something our literature professor said today which I found humorous, and a nice turn of phrase for someone whose first language isn't English. He was nuts--smart as hell, really, really, really enthusiastic, and he kept randomly drawing boxes on the whiteboard to signify the forming of the Czech nation, so much so that by the end of class there was a gratuitous amount of the aforementioned gorgeous nonsense.

I've been out and about lately and haven't had time to write anything. Sorry. I don't have the time to write anything at length right now either. Sorry. BUT I will shoot bullets at you:

--POW: I switched host families. Good fucking idea. The new folks are really great, I have much more space and a 19 year old host brother to hang out with. Last night we played pool for a few hours and talked until 1:30 in the morning. And he said he can get me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!
--POW: Got back from česky Krumlov yesterday. Beautiful little totally intact Renaissance city in Southern Bohemia. Big-ass castle. Lots of good art. One night I got really drunk on Becherovka. I have pictures.
--POW: First film class today. We're watching Daisies. I really want to talk to this film professor, she sounds awesome.
--POW: My music teacher is a fuckin' cool guy. He's really into all the great experimental music that's going on in Europe right now. I might try to tag along with him to Slovakia to go to some Rune Grammofone festival in December. We'll see.

I need food. Pierogies at Meduza, I run toward thee screaming and foaming at the mouth!


Blogger m said...

hey did you ever find cafe archa? they have an awesome tomato cream soup and sopsky (i forget how to spell it) salat....(tomato cucumber balkan cheese yum). its right near old town squareish....i found the address today
Na Porici 26 Prague 1...if you need more directions let me know.
glad to hear youre living up to my vicariously living through you standards of meduza and becherovka

October 8, 2004 at 3:41 PM  

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