
drama, and photos!

Not much happened on Wednesday and Thursday, not for me personally, anyway. For others, however--much drama. Apparently, one of the girls in the program here, Rachel, was harassed by a drunk guy after she got lost on her way home from the jazz club on Tuesday night. In my opinion, out of all the girls here, Rachel is probably the most sheltered/least independent/least confident. She's from Rhode Island, but for all of those who attend(ed) BU, think of your typical Long Island "I live in the Student Village and I LOVE it" type of princess. Yeah.

So, obviously, she's out. Booked a flight home that day. Here's where things get interesting though: Rachel came here with her friend Nisha. They're best friends back at Bowdoin, where they both go to school. On Wednesday, it was pretty obvious that Rachel was leaving. On Thursday, we show up for class in the moring and one of our ADs tells us that both of them are leaving. We are shocked--some of us, myself included, had pretty ambivalent feelings about Rachel, but we're all pretty unanimous in our affection for Nisha.

Much arguing ensued. After class on Thursday we were going to watch a movie, but instead we got into a big group discussion (with Rachel and Nisha present) about how much we want Nisha to stay. We were very tactful about it (I say we, but I should say the other girls--I kept my mouth shut because if I were to start voicing my opinions... well, things would've gotten ugly) but it became patently obvious that Rachel was being really manipulative. Nisha was giving really wishy-washy arguments about how she would be happier at Bowdoin and she's not so sure she's going to be 'completely happy' in Prague, etc, etc. Many statements of support and commiseration were put forth about how hard it is to be away from home and ye olde 'comfort zone,' but things ended up where they started--she was leaving too.

And then, Friday morning, I walk into the classroom to discover--Nisha! Apparently her mother told her to stop running away from her problems or something. We're all pretty happy she decided to stay, wresting herself free from the evil clutches of Rachel. (more hearsay/gossip: Rachel told Nisha that she didn't know if she could live with her back home because Nisha would be a reminder of her horrible experience, or something. What the fuck kind of friend says that?)

OK, enough of that. Here's the good stuff: Photos!

These were taken on our excursion yesterday to Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, located in the eastern half of the country (Moravia--Prague is in Bohemia, the leftern half). There we checked out an international graphic design exhibition, which was interesting except for most of the typography stuff. The Czechs are especially reknowned for graphic design because during the whole Communist thing most artistic types couldn't do the work they might normally do, and thus moved into graphic design, illustrating children's books, and so on. Then we went to Moravsky Krumlov, an old castle that has these huge-ass nationalistic paintings by Alfons Mucha, of Art Nouveau fame, which are controversial because they connect the Czech Republic to the east, to Russia and 'pan-Slavism', which is a bit misleading because Czechs, and Prague especially, have always looked more toward Western Europe.

Anyway, you'll see none of that in the photos but check them out anyway: CLICK!

(please comment if that link doesn't work)
Next time: the return of lastbusanywhere (aka. I went to a show and it was awesome!)


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