
since when do dreams need to be so political?

Last night I dream that a group of Democratic bigwigs assembled at the top of a snowy hill deep in the heart of some "red" state in the northern midwest. They had some sort of press conference (outside, mind you), then wheeled out these three massive walls made of small glasses filled with red liquid. With some ceremony they proceeded to tip the walls over, sending the liquid streaming down the hill in gushing torrent.

The floods were devastating in the lowlands. In one woman's house we explained to her that a red flood was coming and she didn't believe us (I was taking photographs or filming this whole time, I think). Then the red waters actually reached her house, carried her car away, flooded her basement, etc. As we tracked red footprints all over the white tile floor of her kitchen, we told her how it was the Republicans' fault she had no money to clean all this up. She didn't seem to care.


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